Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Is This What You Really Want ?

Fruit, Food, Apple, Background, Healthy, Juicy

Do you enjoy actively searching for ways to help others, identifying complex problems and solving them? This blog will enlighten you on the job duties and skills that make a good nutritionist, as well as related jobs. After reading you will ether feel, yes this is what I want to do, or no this is not what I thought it would be.
First thing first, knowing that a (RD) Registered Dietitian and a (CNS) Certified Nutritional Specialist are used as the same but, the level of training between both, makes them two distinctly different credentials. A Dietitians organizes food and a nutrition plan and promote healthy eating habits to prevent and treat illness. According to https://nutritionsciencedegree.org/about/Nutrition Science DegreeNutritionScienceDegree.org By Cindy Silver a registered dietitian with degrees in Biology and Food Science & Nutrition “While nutrition is a science that investigates the metabolic and physiological responses of the body to food and diet and the role of nutrients in the cause, treatment, and prevention of disease”.
More skills that are needed is having a non-judgmental attitude towards others background and lifestyle. Having high energy to motivate and inspire those that do not have the inner self to believe. An interest in knowledge of the scientific aspects of food. Being interested in health and well being. The ability to explain complex ideas in a simply form, for people that do not have a good understanding. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/dietitians-and-nutritionists.htmAccording to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics under Work Environment “Dietitians and nutritionists held about 68,000 jobs in 2016. 30% in hospitals; including state, local, and private. 14% in government. 10% outpatient care centers. 9% nursing and residential care facilities 6% self-employed workers”.

Branching off with related jobs in this career would fall with almost anything in the Health Science cluster. If it’s Nursing, Surgeons, MRI Technologists, Chiropractors, even Veterinarians. They all have common courses of lessons that would needed to be taken. On the website https://www.wois.org/use/careers/viewer.cfm?occnum=100062#wgWOIS The Career Information System there is a section that states “According to the Washington State Employment Security Department, there will be 369 annual openings for Dietitians and Nutritionists in Washington between 2015 and 2025.”

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